25 Deceased Memes From The Comedy Cemetery
Not all memes are made equal, and there are likely way more bad memes out there than good ones. It's hard to say what exactly makes a good meme, it's somewhat of an art. Some memes just don't make the cut when it comes to quality, other memes which may have been funny years ago have become stale over time. One way or another, there comes a time in every meme's life when it needs to be retired to the comedy cemetery.
The comedy cemetery is where bad and dead memes go to rest. This place is filled with intense levels of cringe and every bad meme that could be thought of. Minion memes, dead memes, unfunny memes, memes with too many emojis and so much more can be found in the comedy cemetery. Though it is not the most joyful place to be, here are 25 dead memes that have risen from the comedy cemetery for everyone's viewing displeasure.