25 'Deep' Posts That Are Actually Just Cringeworthy

Some people just want to be different. Somewhere inside, some people have this desire to be super deep, super philosophical, not like the rest of the world. They're the kinds of people who claim to see past social media, they don't have time for technology and games. They may even refer to themselves as 'alphas'. They all seem to enjoy a specific kind of content, those posts that are meant to be super deep and inspirational but are actually just really cringeworthy and honestly pretty shallow.
Everyone has seen them before. They usually have a drawing or image accompanied by some simple and kind of out-of-touch quote or thought, they're super popular on Facebook especially, of course. Reddit's subreddit /r/im14andthisisdeep is the subreddit that users share these kinds of posts to. It's called that because that is generally the age of the audience who enjoys them. Here are 25 not-so-deep, deep posts that will amaze almost no one.