25 Derpy Animals Serving Absolute Adorableness

Animals bring so much joy to the world. Animals make the world go round. This might be an obvious point, but animals do a lot more than some people might think. Pets like dogs and cats are amazing companions for millions of people. They give people a sense of responsibility, they provide comfort and companionship, they complete families, and, of course, they are hilariously entertaining. Animals do all kinds of ridiculous things. They can be found causing all sorts of mischief. It is hard to be mad at animals when they do silly things, though, because they are so cute while doing them.
Reddit's /r/animalsbeingderps is a subreddit that features images of animals at their lowest moments. These images capture animals as they are when they think no one is paying attention… or maybe they just don't care. They are sitting in silly spots, making stupid faces, and so much more. Here are 25 animals being total derps that have the power to cheer anyone up, no matter what.