25 DIY Projects No One Should Have Tried At Home

A few years back, DIY projects were all the rage. Everyone was doing everything on their own, and this had some interesting results. DIY projects can be great, but they can also be really terrible. When it comes to unimportant things like clothing, decor, and less technical projects, DIYs can't really go too wrong, besides being a bit tacky, but for home improvements and other professional jobs, DIY projects can be dangerous. There is a reason there are professionals for certain jobs, and in some cases, it should just be left up to them.
Reddit's /r/DiWHY is a peculiar subreddit where people post all of the most questionable DIY projects they have seen on the web and in real life. From major fails that could result in some serious issues to minor fails that are just a bit… different. Here are 25 interesting DIY projects no one should be recreating.