25 DIY Projects That Are Just Plain Wrong

For a while there, DIY projects were the thing to be doing. Everyone was turning everything into a DIY project. For some things, this went relatively well, for others, not so much. Things like decorations and clothing can't really go too wrong, maybe a little tacky, sure. Things like home improvements, though, can become dangerous if done wrong. There is a reason there are professionals out there for certain jobs; some things cannot be a DIY project. Alas, some people will try their hand at anything to save a buck or two.
It's people attempting these odd projects that sparked the creation of Reddit's /r/DiWhy. This subreddit is home to a number of DIY fails along with many questionable DIY projects. It's hard to say why some of these things were done, all that can be said now is that no one should be trying them again. Here are 28 DIY fails and otherwise interesting DIY projects that had varying levels of success. Don't try them at home… or maybe do, just because we're curious.