
25 Embarrassing Times People Missed The Joke Completely

Two images from /r/woooosh.
Two images from /r/woooosh.

Published November 22, 2024

Published November 22, 2024

It's never fun to miss out on a joke. Not being a part of a joke is embarrassing, especially when you are the only one not in on it. In some cases, being the odd one out is acceptable and understandable. Sometimes, the joke is an inside joke; sometimes, it is misheard, and sometimes, it needs some context to fully understand. It is still awkward, but people will forget about it.

Other times, the joke is so obvious that if someone were to miss it, it's just plain embarrassing for them. This happens a lot, though, especially online. Whether it's someone correcting the joke to make themselves seem smarter or someone truly not understanding sarcasm, it's entertaining and cringeworthy to see someone fail so hard at getting a joke.

Reddit's /r/woooosh is a subreddit where people share all of the worst times people have missed a super obvious joke online. Some of these are just astonishing. Here are 25 of them that, somehow, people missed.

Who's gonna tell them?

(Source: Reddit)

Bro, come on…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

So silly

(Source: Reddit)

Math is hard

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

When it ends

(Source: Reddit)

I'm at a loss for words

(Source: Reddit)

Father's planning

(Source: Reddit)

Things got real

(Source: Reddit)

Name the emoji

(Source: Reddit)

It's almost like that's the joke

(Source: Reddit)

Pringles holder

(Source: Reddit)

Got 'em

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

So uncivilized

(Source: Reddit)

There's a difference

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

You think?

(Source: Reddit)

Ugh, doctors…

(Source: Reddit)

The world goes on

(Source: Reddit)

No way that's a cat

(Source: Reddit)

NASA, hire this guy

(Source: Reddit)

Close enough

(Source: Reddit)

100% milk

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: woooosh, missing the joke, cringe, /r/woooosh, facepalm, tumblr, math memes, loss, loss memes, spider-man, batman, cringeworthy, /r/facepalm, oof, big oof, jokes, bad jokes, missed jokes, hmmm, embarrassing, the internet, comments, cursed comments,