25 Entitled 'Choosing Beggars' Making Crazy Demands

Some people take advantage of the kindness of others, and it never ends well. If there is one kind of person that no one ever wants to have to deal with, it's an entitled person. Entitled people think they deserve everything for nothing. They have no problem asking for free or extremely cheap products or work, and if anyone has a problem with it, they get mad. They are the kinds of people who never learned the phrase "beggars can't be choosers" and instead live by the idea that they will both beg and choose, unapologetically. When trying to sell something online or offer a service, they are the most annoying people to come across. They're like Karens but worse, and an entitled Karen is a whole new realm of pain.
On Reddit's /r/ChoosingBeggars so many users share their worst encounters with these very entitled people making the most insane demands. There truly are no limits to what they will ask for, free childcare, free cars, free and delivered furniture… the list goes on. Here are just 25 of those choosing beggars making the world a slightly worse place.