25 Entitled People Making Some Insane Demands

There aren't many people more annoying than a choosing beggar. A choosing beggar is someone who thinks they can ask for just about anything for absolutely nothing, or next to nothing. The term is derived from the phrase "beggars can't be choosers," which clearly some people did not learn. There is no limit to what they will ask for.
They are the kinds of people to lowball someone and then ask them to deliver the product for free. They are the kinds of people to offer mere pennies in exchange for full-time childcare. Whether it be a car, an electronic, or a service, choosing beggars will ask for it all. It's just embarrassing to see what they will try to get away with. To make it even worse, when they are met with backlash or don't get what they want they usually turn into huge Karens, making it an even bigger headache. Here are 25 choosing beggars offering absolutely nothing to the world, but expecting it all.