
25 Expertly Crafted Sentences Never Heard Before

Two images from /r/brandnewsentence
Two images from /r/brandnewsentence

Published December 05, 2024

Published December 05, 2024

Is there anything truly original left in the world? It's hard to say for certain. With all of the people out there typing and texting all day long, it's easy to believe that surely everything has been said before, right? Every combination of words has already been used and there is nothing left to be said. Well, sometimes the world is full of surprises, and sometimes people come up with something truly shocking, leaving everyone a little confused.

A brand-new sentence is a sentence that has been expertly crafted to feel like it's brand new. Brand-new sentences have likely never been said before because of the insanity of the combination of their words. They're just plain weird, and they get even weirder all the time with all of the new words and phrases people are constantly coming up with.

Reddit's /r/brandnewsentence is a subreddit where people share all of the strangest sentences and phrases they have seen online. Here are 25 oddly specific and definitely new sentences people have never said before.

A silly guy

(Source: Reddit)

In public, too

(Source: Reddit)

What is going on?

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry, what?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Thank goodness

(Source: Reddit)

Severe oppression

(Source: Reddit)

Do better

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty different

(Source: Reddit)

Wear extra fingers

(Source: Reddit)

So brutal

(Source: Reddit)

I'm not sure I want to know

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Ah, vacation

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

One day…

(Source: Reddit)

Very interested

(Source: Reddit)

You enjoy that

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

So specific

(Source: Reddit)

The watermelon man

(Source: Reddit)

I hate it

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

So many towels

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: brand new sentence, /r/brandnewsentence, hmmm, oddly specific, /r/oddlyspecific, interesting, facepalm, florida man, /r/facepalm, /r/hmmm, twitter, insane people, weird headlines, tihi, thanks i hate it, specific, suspiciously specific,