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25 Favorite Foods We Forgot About

Two images from /r/forgottenfoods
Two images from /r/forgottenfoods

Published March 20, 2025

Published March 20, 2025

Some of the best memories from childhood seem to always involve snacks or meals. Mealtime and snacktime are fun and memorable for kids. Most people tend to remember what their favourite food was growing up or what they were most excited to see in their school lunchbox. With times changing, so are the things on the shelves. Sometimes, snacks and other foods go missing without anyone really realizing at first. Sometimes it is only years later that someone wonders whatever happened to that snake they used to enjoy.

There have been tons of foods and snacks over the years that people of all ages have enjoyed and indulged on. From breakfast cereals to lunchbox surprises and so many sodas to have as a treat, these snacks are memorable for many. Who knows, maybe some of these forgotten foods are still out there somewhere.

These snacks are never truly forgotten with the power of the Internet. Luckily, there are many photos online of every snack food ever made, and we have collected them for everyone to remember. Here are 25 iconic and nostalgic snacks and candies some people might be missing right now.

Surge soda

(Source: Reddit)

Blueberry pie Oreos

(Source: Reddit)

Sprinklers ice cream bars

(Source: Reddit)

Jolly Ranchers jelly cups

(Source: Reddit)

Waffles Lunchables

(Source: Reddit)

Jell-O Mousse Temptations

(Source: Reddit)

Airheads Pops

(Source: Reddit)

Chips Ahoy Fudge Bites

(Source: Reddit)

Fruit Roll-Ups scoops

(Source: Reddit)

Nestea Cool

(Source: Reddit)

McDonald's Super Sizing

(Source: Reddit)

Choco Crunch

(Source: Reddit)

'90s Swanson Kid TV dinners

(Source: Reddit)

Ben & Jerry's Phish Sticks

(Source: Reddit)

Pop-Tarts ice cream flavors

(Source: Reddit)

Kool-Aid fun fruits

(Source: Reddit)

Sprite Remix

(Source: Reddit)

Berry-Berry Kix cereal

(Source: Reddit)

SoBe lifewater

(Source: Reddit)

Fast Franks by Oscar Meyer

(Source: Reddit)

Nacho Gripz

(Source: Reddit)

Pringles Stix

(Source: Reddit)

Heinz Ketchup n Onions

(Source: Reddit)

Oreo O's

(Source: Reddit)

Minute Maid Orange Soda

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: forgotten foods, old foods, old snacks, throwback, nostalgia, nostalgic, mildly interesting, reddit, the internet, social media, nostalgic snacks, 90s nostalgia, 90s, 80s nostalgia, 80s, 1980s nostalgia,

Meme Encyclopedia