25 Funny Signs That Certainly Got The Point Across
There's quite a variety of messages we see on a daily basis, and this applies when we leave the house, too, not just when we're scrolling through the internet. This is particularly noticeable when it comes to advertisements and signs wherever we may go. But some of them stand out to us more than any others, and for good reason. Whether intentional or completely by accident, some signs are just really funny.
The following images are signs captured in the wild. Whether they're hand-written notes, intentional jokes, the names of stores, or simply a statement that doesn't seem to mean what these organizations think it means, there's something enjoyable in each and every one of these, and they entertained passersby enough that they shared these images online. We've collected the best of them for you to see. Hopefully, they'll remind you to pay closer attention to the signs you pass by every day, because you never know when you'll find something hilarious.