25 Funny Signs That Don't Take Themselves Too Seriously

Signs can be handy when put in the right place and used at the right time. They've become an essential part of modern society, being used practically everywhere, from roads to shops to big advertisement billboards. They're an instrumental way of conveying information that is usually important for the public, whether they like it or not. But sometimes, a sign is put in place for all the wrong reasons, or maybe it isn't as useful as it ought to be.
This is where the subreddit /r/funnysigns shines, providing various examples of signs that are in equal parts hilarious as they are strange. Whether it's a slight typo on a street sign that completely changes the meaning or a sign that was made with the sole purpose of making whoever looks at it laugh, it goes to show that people are usually a lot funnier than you'd expect, often using their humor and wit in the most unexpected of places.