
25 Hilarious Signs Spotted In Public

Two images from /r/funnysigns
Two images from /r/funnysigns

Published December 23, 2024

Published December 23, 2024

Signs are one of those necessary evils in the world. they are needed, but they aren't great. Signs can be found anywhere and everywhere, outdoors and indoors, and let's just face it, they aren't usually visually appealing. Signs and ads are pretty ugly most of the time, but they need to be around for all kinds of reasons.

Signs, of course, advertise stores and sales so people know where to go and what to buy, but they also inform folks of various things. Road signs and warning signs are needed to keep people safe, of course, and guide them to where they are going. Then there are signs that educate people just for fun. Since signs aren't always fun, what's one way to make the whole experience of signs better? Making them funny.

Funny signs are signs filled with jokes and puns that make silly remarks or passive-aggressive comments that make people chuckle a little. Everyone loves seeing a silly sign in public, so here are 25 of them that were brought to the web for all to enjoy.

What the…

(Source: Reddit)

Possibly two

(Source: Redd)

Highly recommend!

(Source: Reddit)

Gentle encouragement

(Source: Reddit)

Some people need this

(Source: Reddit)

Get it?

(Source: Reddit)

Way cheaper

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

You get what you pay for

(Source: Reddit)

Mostly gone

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Poor guy

(Source: Reddit)

Works every time

(Source: Reddit)

Try your best

(Source: Reddit)

Where we going?

(Source: Reddit)

Let me know

(Source: Reddit)

It does

(Source: Reddit)

How specific

(Source: Reddit)

Now that's a threat

(Source: Reddit)

Wait, what?

(Source: Reddit)

Just that one

(Source: Reddit)

Don't read

(Source: Reddit)

I am confused

(Source: Reddit)

Be careful

(Source: Reddit)

What IS this Wendy's?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: funny signs, /r/funnysigns, signs, signage, jokes, puns, dad jokes, wendys, ads, billboards, hmmm, mildly interesting, dad joke, funny store signs, church signs, funny church signs, reddit, the internet, social media, accidental comedy,