25 Hilariously Awkward Tinder Moments
Dating apps are the way of the future for hopeful singles. Dating apps have taken over as probably the most common way people meet and get together these days. It used to be meeting someone at a bar, or in a store, or in a common hobby, school, or job. Now there are so many apps out there which means so many chances to meet the "one." Dating apps come with some risk, though. People tend to be more bold and brash behind a screen so the pickup lines can be horrifying. People are meaner on them, too, and some people just don't care about how they make the person on the other end feel. It can be a scary and daunting time with some awkward and cringeworthy moments, but with enough searching, perhaps the right one will come along. From single Reddit users around the world, here are some of the best, the worst, the failed, and the most successful moments from dating apps like Tinder.