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25 Historical Photographs From The Wild Western Era

Two images from /r/wildwestpics
Two images from /r/wildwestpics

Published March 24, 2025

Published March 24, 2025

There was once a time when real cowboys, outlaws, and trailblazers ran through the land. Everyone should take the time to look back at what the world looked like during the Wild Western days. While the world has changed a whole lot over the past few hundred years, there are so many photos of the Wild West to see, and it is interesting to see some similarities from the past to now. From cowboys and Native American tribes to settlers and stagecoaches, horses, saloons, and more. Life looked a whole lot different but also kind of familiar, in a weird way.

All of the Wild West and old American shows and movies will never add up to what life was truly like back in these days. It can be a lot to take in, all of the history that exists in the Wild West. It's kind of mind-boggling to realize just how different life truly was. It's pretty astonishing to think about how far the world and society has come in just a few hundred years. Those people went through some insane times.

Enjoy this journey to the past and channel your inner cowboy with these 25 images showcasing life, society, and the world as it existed in the days of the Wild West.

A well-stocked bar at H. Cook's Headquarters Saloon in Montana, 1900

(Source: Reddit)

George Ruffner, Sheriff of Yavapai County, 1890s

(Source: Reddit)

Looking North down Alvarado from Franklin street, California, 1887

(Source: Reddit)

Men playing Faro in California, 1900

(Source: Reddit)

Logging crew at camp, California, 1880s

(Source: Reddit)

Miner at his dugout home, Randsburg, California, 1897

(Source: Reddit)

Virgil Earp, Wyatt Earp, Morgan Earp

(Source: Reddit)

Studio portrait of unknown Ute man, Denver, Colorado, 1860s

(Source: Reddit)

A group of Apache military scouts, Arizona, 1880

(Source: Reddit)

Cowboy sitting in front of BT Ranch building, Missouri, 1887

(Source: Reddit)

The Concordia Saloon, Santa Barbara, California, 1885

(Source: Reddit)

The Cowboy Saloon of Stilwell and Stwart in Charleston, Arizona, 1885

(Source: Reddit)

Naiche and Geronimo at Fort Bowie before exile to Florida, 1886

(Source: Reddit)

A street in Santa Barbara, California, 1876

(Source: Reddit)

Wyatt Earp, 1926

(Source: Reddit)

Open range branding, Montana, 1900

(Source: Reddit)

Two common methods of hauling water, 1905

(Source: Reddit)

Saloon in Cripple Creek, Colorado, 1890s

(Source: "":)

Tombstone, 1880

(Source: Redd)

The Arizona Club, 1907, one of the first permanent buildings in Las Vegas, Nevada

(Source: Reddit)

A child and her dog and cat on an Oklahoma ranch, 1904

(Source: Reddit)

Tom Horn braiding a rope in the Laramie County Jail, Cheyenne, 1902

(Source: Reddit)

Climbing Pike's Peak, Colorado, 1890

(Source: Reddit)

Shoshone encampment of Chief Washakie in South Pass, Wyoming, 1870

(Source: Reddit)

Calamity Jane and friends in Gilt Edge, Montana, 1897

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: wild west, wild west photos, the wild west, wild west images, history, reddit, the internet, social media, old photos, old images, old photography, historical photos, historical images, wild western history, wild west history,

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