25 Horrible Tattoos People Really Got

Tons of people all around the world are covered in tattoos. Some people have one, some people have hundreds. Tattoos can be a lot of fun to have and to get. Many people put a lot of meaning into their tattoos and even use them as memorial pieces. For other people, tattoos can purely be for the aesthetic and others don't care about their tattoos at all, which can be a little shocking to see.
Tattoos are very permanent, that's kind of the whole point of them. People are stuck with their tattoos forever. They can be removed by laser or covered but that is expensive and painful. It's best to just get a tattoo right the first time. Many people choose not to do this, though, and they end up with tattoo failures. Tattoo failures can be a result of a bad artist, a bad design, or a combination of the two.
Have a look at these 25 tattoos that turned out so badly it's kind of sad and scary. People need to keep these tattoos in mind for the next time they are thinking of booking a tattoo appointment.