25 Idiotic Questions Found In The Depths Of Quora
When people have very specific questions, they'll often turn to Quora, as a simple Google search won't always suffice. But the community on Quora is a strange one. People on this site know how to ask some of the idiotic questions imaginable, and sometimes they'll also answer these questions, pretending to be experts on subjects they clearly don't understand in the slightest. It's a weird part of the online world, and definitely not one of the better parts, especially if you happen to stumble upon a post like one of the ones below.
The following posts come from people who should be doing some serious reflecting on their own behavior. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem likely that will be happening. Even for those who are clearly making these up as troll posts, they're still questionable enough to make readers think something's not quite right in these people's personal lives. Here are just a few questions from Quora that are more than a little concerning.