25 Images And Predictions That Aged Like Milk

People have to be careful when making broad statements or predictions online because there is always a chance that they won't happen. People can say whatever they want, but when something doesn't go as planned, don't be surprised when someone reposts that comment to make fun of it. To say something has "aged like milk" is to say that it has aged extremely poorly, like milk, of course. People get brave online, so there are many cases of jokes and comments aging badly to be found. Whether it's a comment about a movie or game, a prediction about the future, or praise towards a person, things go wrong all the time. These moments are both awkward and hilarious.
There is even a whole subreddit dedicated to comments that have aged poorly. Reddit's /r/agedlikemilk is a subreddit where people post old screenshots of things that now seem ridiculous. Here are 25 images and statements that did not stand the test of time at all.