25 Images, Jokes And Predictions That Aged Like Milk
Sometimes stuff just does not work out the way it was supposed to work out. This happens a lot in life and it's just something everyone has to accept. There's no telling what the future has in store, and sometimes, because of this, things age poorly. Whether it be a joke, a prediction, or a snide comment, there have to be some precautions taken in these kinds of things because over time they could go completely sideways.
This is what happened to the jokes, predictions, and comments featured in Reddit's /r/agedlikemilk. This subreddit is titled as such because, of course, the content featured in it aged super poorly, just as milk does. It's funny to look back and see just how wrong some people were about things. Technology no one ever thought would make it, events no one saw coming, and people no one ever would have thought turned out the way they did. Here are 25 things that did not age how they were supposed to.