25 Images That Aged Like Curdled Cheese
One of the worst things someone can go through is for something they say to be used against them later on in the future. Eating your words is a terrible thing that unfortunately happens much more often than you'd think, especially on the internet. Given how easy it is to say and do whatever you want online, it's usually incredibly difficult to fact-check most of the information that you come across, which in turn makes it infinitely easier to say whatever you want with very little pushback, often leading to some hilarious examples of people's words and posts aging like milk.
This is where the subreddit /r/agedlikemilk shines, showing off all the greatest examples of people not really knowing what to expect, and often being surprised when what they say doesn't end up happening. Whether it's a politician who was very, very wrong or an old news headline that would've been in poor taste if it was published in today's day and age, each example is that sometimes you ought to have some foresight before you post something online.