
25 Images That Are True To Some Extent

memes from /r/technicallythetruth
memes from /r/technicallythetruth

Published September 05, 2024

Published September 05, 2024

Misinformation is a big problem on the internet. With the endless amount of public figures constantly trying to push their agendas online, you rarely ever find a source of information that you can trust. The truth always has a caveat when it's being told online, and that is due to a variety of personal, political and other reasons that are far beyond our scope of understanding. On the other hand, there are still a fair amount of reliable sources of truthful information out there, one of them being /r/technicallythetruth.

This is a subreddit dedicated to giving you the truth and nothing but the truth, even if it isn't exactly what you're looking for. Each post is hilarious in its own right, often involving someone completely misunderstanding a question or taking something too literally, leading to a very humorous interaction. If there's one thing you can take from this collection, it's that you always need to be careful what words you choose, especially when it comes to online interactions.

Germany is home to many things

(Source: Reddit)

That's usually how it works!

(Source: Reddit)

Nana like it rough?

(Source: Reddit)

His username says it all

(Source: Reddit)

At least someone got it!

(Source: Reddit)

He has a solid point

(Source: Reddit)

Well that kind of makes sense doesn't it?

(Source: Reddit)

That's a quarter!

(Source: Reddit)

This is true for most lazy people!

(Source: Reddit)

No more and no less!

(Source: Reddit)

True American Heroes!

(Source: Reddit)

Seems grainy enough!

(Source: Reddit)

Must be a scientist

(Source: Reddit)

How good is it at cutting things?

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty fun system in America!

(Source: Reddit)

Google never wants to party!

(Source: Reddit)

Any tree planters here?

(Source: Reddit)

Why answer the question when you can just…answer the question?

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty groundbreaking stuff!

(Source: Reddit)

A better way to phrase this!

(Source: Reddit)

Basic Geography is important!

(Source: Reddit)

Doesn't get any gayer than this!

(Source: Reddit)

Who would've thought?

(Source: Reddit)

Shoutout to car people!

(Source: Reddit)

Cut the problem from its source!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: technically the truth, technically true, true, funny, ironic, twitter, reddit, collections,