25 Images With No Context To Get You Thinking

Usually, context is important for photos. Context gives background for an image, explaining why it was taken, when it was taken, and what's going on in the photo. It's important for viewers to be able to understand what is happening. Without context, things can get a little weird. Things can be creepy, eerie, confusing or just a little concerning when they are posted without any context. Photos become a sort of artwork in this case.
This is exactly what Reddit's very odd subreddit /r/hmmm is about. This subreddit describes itself as the internet as art. Its images are strange and leave behind many unanswered questions. In the case of this subreddit, context is not needed because these images are so much better without it. So, for anyone who wants to see an art gallery full of artworks that are kind of… strange. Here are 26 photos that will leave people wondering.