25 Images You'll Instantly Dislike
I mean, technically anyone can post anything they want to the internet, within reason depending on the site, but that doesn't mean they should. Scrolling through newsfeeds around the web can turn up some pretty interesting things, and not always in good ways. While there is a lot of cool stuff to see online, there is also a lot of stuff that could make someone wish they never had eyes in the first place. Uncomfortable drawings and animations, weird products and ideas, and other strange, icky things no one really ever asked for.
Reddit's subreddit titled /r/TIHI, which stands for "thanks, I hate it", is a subreddit made for sharing the really horrible things that are found around the internet. They're uncomfortable and sometimes upsetting, but for whatever reason many people enjoy seeing them anyways. Here are 25 images that no one asked for, nor wanted, which no one likes at all.