25 Insane 'Choosing Beggars' Making The World A Hard Place To Live In

There are some people out there determined to make the lives of others way harder than they need to be. Some people have all the audacity in the world, and they use it to make others angry and fed up. There is nothing more infuriating than coming into contact with an entitled person. There is one kind of entitled person, though, that is so entitled they have their own category.
Choosing beggars are the kind of entitled people who think they can ask for anything without giving anything in return. They never learned the phrase "beggars can't be choosers" and it shows. They will go online and ask for anything from childcare to a whole car for absolutely free. What's even worse is that they get pretty Karen-like when they are met with backlash.
Choosing beggars are all over the web, and some folks have taken it upon themselves to expose these annoying people for the insane things they do and say. Reddit's /r/choosingbeggars is full of the most annoying accounts of people choosing and begging their way through life. Here are 25 of them that are truly insufferable.