25 Insane Comments Made By Delusional Americans

We don't want to stereotype a whole group of people, but Americans say some insane things sometimes. The fact that Americans are very patriotic is no secret. It's well-known that Americans love their country, and that's great. Everyone should be able to love the place they're from; the issue is when patriotism clouds over common sense. Some Americans have some insane ideas about the world, especially places like Europe, where they seem to have the most opinions. Anyone is free to say whatever they like on the internet, but that doesn't mean it won't be met with backlash and a slew of people to make fun of it.
Reddit's /r/S***AmericansSay is a subreddit where people share all of the insane comments that have clearly and openly been made by Americans. A lot of these comments are so bad they're funny, and others are so bad they're honestly kind of concerning. So for anyone who wants to see what some Americans have to say about the rest of the world, here are 25 insane comments made by some pretty delusional individuals.