25 Insane Parents Proving Not Everyone Should Have Kids
There is a nifty feature on Facebook that surely everyone knows about, called Facebook groups. Facebook groups are groups anyone can make to invite people with similar lifestyles, hobbies or interests to come together and bond. People can ask and answer questions, look for recommendations, or just share stories whenever they want.
One very popular topic of Facebook groups is parenting. These parenting groups are most popular with new moms and modern moms looking to share their advice and stories. The only issue with this is that some of these moms have some insane things to say. The posts that they post are downright unhinged and it's shocking that they feel so comfortable posting such wild images, questions, and comments. For anyone who doesn't have access to these kinds of groups to see what goes down, don't worry, because they are all right here. Here are 25 out-of-pocket posts from Facebook parenting groups that will have people questioning everything.