Two images from /r/s***momgroupssay

25 Insane Posts From Facebook Parenting Groups

On Facebook, there is a handy feature known as Facebook groups. Facebook groups are for people with similar lifestyles and hobbies to come together and bond. People can make friends, post and answer questions, and share parts of their lives with people who care. One of the most common kinds of Facebook groups out there are parenting groups.

Parenting groups allow new and seasoned parents to connect. While this may seem like a wholesome and helpful thing, there is a lot of insanity that occurs in these groups. People seem to forget that it's all public, and they share some really intimate, sometimes incriminating details of their lives. Mom groups are next-level toxic and sometimes a little frightening. There is a whole subreddit dedicated to exposing what happens in these groups, because sometimes it's just that bad. Here are 25 wild posts found within parenting groups on Facebook that might surprise some people today.

Hard pass

d⚫19h .. Anyone need a birthing pool?? I don't believe there are any holes but it has been sitting since last summer. I hate to see it go to waste. First interested.... See more ❤ 2 ☑ 3 comments

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Seems a little dramatic

く parenting Anonymous member⚫ 36m my 5yr old stole a toy from school, this is the first time he's ever done this and he said another kid was involved as well. we talked about it, i told him that if he returns the toy tomorrow then i won't tell anyone about this situation and we will forget it ever happened. if he does not return it then i told him i'll be telling his teacher and he will have a punishment at home. i need some creative punishment ideas for a 5yr old. we are friends with the local cops so i was thinking have them scare him a bit but id like some other options lol. i'd rather scare this behavior out of him now then it become a life long problem.

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Say what?

Anonymous member 1h E Crystals as teethers for babies? Thoughts? What kinds to use? Is that okay or a big no no B Like Comment Copy Share

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This is… interesting

I have a question and don't want negativity. We currently have 5 children with another on the way. We moved recently to a different state. 3 of our kids absolutely will not keep clothes/diapers/pull ups on. They play outside frequently and we do not live in town. I was just made aware by a neighbor that a different neighbor posted about the naked babies in our yard. We don't want to keep the kids locked inside all day long and like I said, they won't keep clothes on. People on this post are encouraging them to report us. I've spoken to the sheriff's department and they said it isn't illegal for the children to play in their yard with no clothes on. This neighbor is also saying they play from very early in the morning until late at night outside and that they are unprotected from spiders, snakes, people driving by 20 feet away. I'm worried about this person reporting us to the state even though the sheriff's department said it isn't illegal. Is my only option fighting with them to keep clothes on? Should I be worried. about a social worker showing up? I dont want this to escalate and this is going to stress me out. D25

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They never learn

Back ... Thoughts? nutes ago Putting baby to sleep on Tummy vs Putting baby to sleep on 1 21 comments :

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Can't have an illness if you don't believe in it

Okay mamas, what sickness is going around?? My husband got it first (and said a lot of people at work had it over the weekend as well) then our whole family got sick. Started with extreme body aches for 2 days. Dizziness, throwing up, headaches and coughing. We're on day 6 now and still all of the same symptoms besides the body aches. Muscles are still a little sore but not as bad. Also night sweats and loss of taste. Is there a strain of flu maybe? (We don't believe in Covid)

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No judgement, please

. X Anonymous member 32m Ⓡ Hello moms! This may be controversial but how do you stop baby from hitting milestones? My daughter is 6 months old & starting to crawl but i don't want her to!! I want her to stay my tiny little baby, whenever i see her getting up to crawl i gently knock her over with my foot until she gives up and just rolls around the floor. But these last few weeks she's getting so persistent! Please help a mam out! No judgement please 08038 Like Comment 148 comments Send

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This is genuinely insane

na P Anonymous member ⚫ 1h. So, I recently had an "interesting" encounter at a school function. Another mom approached me and let me know that her daughter has been "bullied" by my daughter. She seemed pretty worked up about it, but honestly, they're in 11th grade. Shouldn't they be working this out themselves? I mean, at this point, they're practically adults. If her daughter doesn't like something someone says now, what's going to happen when she's at work? Is her mom going to show up there too? And let's be real for a second-if you send your kid to school in T.J. Maxx clothes with no care for her appearance, you can't expect her to be treated like a queen. I'm not saying my daughter's behavior is perfect, but I think there's a bigger picture here. You've got to teach kids how to handle the real world, not shelter them from every hard conversation. Anyway, just my two cents. Maybe we need to stop hovering and let these girls grow up, because no one's showing up to "fight their battles" when they're 25 and out in the real world. Like 20 Comment Send

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Poor kid

My 3 year old is not sleeping, what are some things I can give her to settle I am already using a calming spray and an antihistamine that makes her drowsy, pain killers and sleep drops and it's still not working, she has only just gone to sleep Like 50 Comment Send Top comments ✓ Contributor Why do people want to force their tiny humans to sleep, and with pain killers that's crazy for me to read that, pain killers already so damaging and should only be used when needed not to just sleep, I mean you do you but this just sounds crazy to me like "how can I drug my child pls "crazy

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Way too much

7:26 54 Anonymous member ⚫ 11m. Is it too much to ask the college to install cameras in my child's dorm room? I just want to make sure they're sleeping enough and staying on top of their cleaning and laundry. It's hard to trust they'll remember everything on their own! And before anyone worries about roommate privacy, he is in a single room! Like Q Comment 11 Send

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Facebook for medical care

My 5 month old has been running fever all day, checked her at 102.6 and now we're down to 102 after a bath. I've given three doses of homeopathics, 2 doses of vitamin c, baby immunity roller on feet and spine, briar rose, etc. Wondering if and when I should give Tylenol?! She's been so drowsy and fussy. I currently don't have access to any other products besides what I have on hand ✓ Like 3 Top comments ▾ く Hello Copy ✓ Share How Admin I am sorry to hear your little one is not feeling well. It is so hard when they don't feel good. A We encourage you to follow your Mama gut and do what you feel is best for your little one to help reduce her fever if it is continuing to rise. You may consider using the Baby Immune Support every 2-3 hours to help keep her immune system strong! Here are some other recommendations that may help, in our opinion!

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Emotional + full moon = parasites

6:02 Anonymous member · 1d · . • Our 9 year old boy has been SUPER emotional the last couple of days. It is a full moon. Would that indicate possible parasites? If so- Gentle parasite cleanse for a 9 year old? ✓ Like ☐ Comment 1 Send ✓ Share

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Hello! Looking for moms who drink raw milk/give their kids raw milk. Our doctor suggested switching to raw milk but would like more information and also experiences from someone who has made that choice. Honestly it scares me a little. If you do drink raw milk and love it, who do you purchase it from? Like Comment Send

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A chiropractor?

Our 7 week old has an anterior tounge tie and we are getting mixed feedback on if we should get it released. We have had very little interventions so far (home birth) so we are hesitant about doing it if not necessary. I'm curious if there are any providers that were helpful locally for you in making the decision, performing the release and/or aftercare support. We are going to see to get a chiropractic opinion. Thanks!

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Insanely tacky

✓ Sooooo, I have a whittle baby due soon so let's play a game!!!!! Winner gets 20$ shop credit buy whatever off the registry!! Each item is a chance to win and will put your name on a spin wheel and winner gets the prize!! ENDS SUNDAY Registry https: -twille ?ref_= _OAA) COULD EVEN BE A CHANCE TO WIN A FREEEEEE PJ PENDING HOW MUCH IS BOUGHT all covered by me!!!!!!!! C5 S 20 i baby registry Amazon: Baby Registry

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Names are going too far

Hey everyone! I need help lol. My parter wants to add to babes name. He says it's a joke, but I also have gotten to make a lot of the decisions about this baby as this is my first, and his fourth. I do like the name he wants to add because we're both spooky people. I just don't like how it flows. I don't know what to dooo. Ozwald Kai Ozwald Kai Betelgeuse Ozwald Kai Betel Ozwald Kai Geuse 0% >

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Another one…

• Anonymous member 1h A I just found out yesterday that I am having a baby girl. All my kids have 6 letter first names that end in "y". They are also in alphabetical order. The four kids are A, J, Q, and W. So I need a 6 letter name that begins with X, Y, or Z and ends in a "y". Please vote below. (Yes, I'm crazy. I have moderate OCD and this pattern makes me so happy.) Zayley ○ Zhooey Other (post in comments) 13 10 ptp cause u'll fall In love 221 comments 149 votes

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Uh, yeah, probably

4m. A My daughter (20 months) fell and hit her face really hard on the ground, when her father picked her up she was unconscious, her eyes were rolled back in her head he said.... He panicked and started slapping her face (lightly) to wake her up. She woke up and seems fine now. Is this something I should go to emerge for? I'm on hold with healthlink but 87 callers ahead of me... I'm worried about concussion 5 Like Comment X 37 comments Send

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Poor kid

Anonymous member 8m Beyond- my 2.5 year old has her fathers belly and it bothers me. She was an adorable chunky baby and that chunk is still around. She hates wearing pants over her belly so it always showing. We do plenty of exercise, no screen time and she eats as healthy as any 2.5 year old. I size up in almost all her clothes. She just has her fathers body type I guess. I know it shouldn't bother me as much as it does, but so many pictures (like this one) I don't post because if it. Advice? Or should I just get over my own insecurities? 4 Like Comment Send (

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Just… no comment

Anonymous member 5h 8 . My 16 month old has spiked his first fever. We are out of the country. I brought Genexa with me to control it. We are flying home today. I know he got exposed to something he ate while over here that didn't respond well to his little body. He had diarrhea for 3 days, we finally got over that, and now he has a runny nose w fever. We are flying home today. Just in case there is a parasite situation happening CAN I GIVE IVERMECTIN to a baby?? 6 28 comments

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Had to read this one a few times

Anonymous member ⚫ 1h . My grandma is pregnant. She's only 46 so we were pretty excited at first, but now she's claiming my husband is the father. I don't know what to do. He does spend a lot of time "helping" at her house. I can't believe he'd plow my granny though. We have to wait months for a paternity test. If it's his, would the baby be my aunt/uncle and step child? It's also worth noting that my husband is both my brother and my uncle and my grandma is his grandma too, and also his ex girlfriend. I'm really not sure what to do. This is NOT a joke. This is serious so please refrain from rude responses! Thanks

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This has to be a joke

Anonymous member • 55m • guys!! i need help. idk how yall can help but listen.. my fiancé thinks he's like part wolf or something. i HATE it. he sniffs around like a dog and it's so cringe. on full moons he acts weird and points to the moon and says "that's why" he claims this "wolf" in him, talks to him in his head. and it's "scary" so i should watch out.. whatever i looked past these bc i thought ok he's weird i don't like this but i love him. BUT now he thinks our son is like him!!! he keeps playing these wolf lullabies and i hate it. i more so hate the fact that one day he might try to convince our son he's a GD wolf... THIS IS NOT A JOKE Like ! ☐ Comment Send 58

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Maybe go to a doctor instead of Facebook

3h. Has anyone here ever been bitten by a feral cat? What did you do? I have cleaned the bite just trying to determine if I need to get a rabies shot or not. Like 5 comments Comment ✰ Copy

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ber 1h I know I'm going to get alot of hate or mom shame for this, but I smoke in the car with my toddler. I feel it's unacceptable when there newborns & infants. But when there 2+ and you have all the windows open & the air going. I don't smoke in my home, but in the garage, I do, & I will smoke in there if my back door is open & the garage door. Is the car really that different? My mother in law makes it a huge deal. My baby daddy don't care, he smokes In the car with the our kid too. Is it just preference or what? I know it's illegal in my state but it's not super enforced endless pulled over. I have difficulty seeing eye to eye with her just wonder what you guys think?

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Diversity… on a language learning app

Anonymous member th So I was trying to learn a language app to learn a new language. And then I see this. Why this woman's one side of the head is shaved. Why she looks like this?!! And why the man can't be a general man picture. Why it has to be someone with turban. I mean it seems like they are making things very racial. Am I overthinking about this? 9:28 LTE NEW WORD Select the correct image el hombre the woman the boy 00 the man the girl

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Exorcism, immediately

Anonymous member • 6mm okay yall i need advice on how to handle a 2.5 y/ o plotting revenge last week my 1.5 y/o son pushed my 2.5 y/o daughter into the pond on our property while we were looking at the fish and frogs. well my girl was in her favorite dress and hates getting wet and she was really mad. all week she'd been muttering about "push you in” and then today she was at the pond and led her brother to the edge and tried to push him, luckily she wasn't that slick and my husband stopped her but all day she keeps talking to herself saying "closer closer closer. push you in!" which is exactly what she was saying her brother. this is obviously dangerous and concerning on multiple levels but i have no idea how to explain to a 2 y/o that premeditated revenge / attempted m*rder is wrong 26 Like 1 comment Comment Send Ummmmm that's scary. Have you thought about an exorcist? Haha Reply 28 O

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