
25 Insane Recipe Reviews By People Who Clearly Cannot Cook

Two images from /r/ididnthaveeggs
Two images from /r/ididnthaveeggs

Published June 03, 2024

Published June 03, 2024

It's shocking how some people have made it through life in one piece, considering they have poor survival skills. Not everyone has to be a trained and amazing chef, but everyone should be able to make themselves a meal, especially if they are following a recipe. Recipes were made to make cooking and baking super easy. All there is to be done is to follow each step, it even gives a detailed list of what to have on hand, and how much. Recipes should be fool-proof… should be.

Clearly there are people out there though with poor reading comprehension, because the reviews present on some online recipes are just ghastly. People are out here messing up recipes with three ingredients, asking about insane substitutions, or complaining it didn't come out correctly right after stating all the changes they made. It's shocking and exhausting to see how these people's brains work. Reddit's /r/Ididnthaveeggs is a subreddit made for collecting these ridiculous reviews so everyone can shake their heads in disbelief. Here are just 25 of them that make no sense.

Sounds like a you problem

(Source: Reddit)

Not helpful at all

(Source: Reddit)

I have so many questions

(Source: Reddit)

Different recipe

(Source: Reddit)

No such thing?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I guess?

(Source: Reddit)

Applesauce brownies

(Source: Reddit)

Try reading next time

(Source: Reddit)

This has to be a joke

(Source: Reddit)

Move on

(Source: Reddit)

For homemade PopTarts…

(Source: Reddit)

A rating based on imagination

(Source: Reddit)

This was for coffee syrup

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, for nothing

(Source: Reddit)

Why do people do this

(Source: Reddit)

This was uncalled for

(Source: Reddit)

At least they owned up to it

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe you shouldn't have changed anything then

(Source: Reddit)

Okay then

(Source: Reddit)

Added a lot there

(Source: Reddit)

On a recipe for prawn linguine

(Source: Reddit)

Now this is definitely a joke

(Source: Reddit)

Wonder why

(Source: Reddit)

Seriously though

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/ididnthaveeggs, i didn't have eggs, recipe reviews, tiktok, coffee, food, hmmm, facepalm, dogs, insane people, people being jerks, recipes, food reviews, all recipes, online recipes, cooking, baking, food fail, fails, collections,