
25 Interesting Historical Photos From The Wild Western Days

Two images from /r/wildwestpics
Two images from /r/wildwestpics

Published March 09, 2025

Published March 09, 2025

There was once a time when real cowboys, outlaws, and trailblazers ran through the land. Everyone should take a moment to look back in time to when the west was known as the Wild West. While things have changed a lot over the past few hundred years, many images of America in the past exist online for all to see, and some things do remain the same. From cowboys and Native American tribes to settlers and stagecoaches, horses, saloons, and more. Life looked kind of familiar but also very different in every way imaginable.

All of the Wild West and old American shows and movies will never add up to what life was truly like back in these days. It can be a lot to take in, all of the history that exists in the Wild West. It's kind of mind-boggling to realize just how different life truly was. It's insane how far things have come in a relatively short amount of time when looking at the timeline of all of history. The people in those days went through some crazy times.

Enjoy this journey to the past and channel your inner cowboy with these 25 images showcasing life, society, and the world as it existed in the days of the Wild West.

The Cowboy Saloon of Stilwell and Swart in Charleston, AZ, 1885

(Source: Reddit)

Main street, looking North, Childress, Texas, 1909

(Source: Reddit)

At the dance, part of the 8th US Cavalry and 3rd infantry at the great Indian Grass Dance on Reservation, 1890

(Source: Reddit)

Men in front of a brickyard in Butte, Montana, 1885-1890

(Source: Reddit)

Naiche and Geronimo at Fort Bowie before being exiled to Florida, 1886

(Source: Reddit)

Dogs were an important part of the Uinta Ute culture, 1870s

(Source: Redd)

Seven Crow Chiefs in Montana, 1887

(Source: Reddit)

Studio portrait of Jimmie Sequint, Idaho, 1897

(Source: Reddit)

A hand-coloured portrait of Chief Bone Necklace of the Oglala Lakota, 1899

(Source: Redd)

Eureka, Colorado, 1900

(Source: Reddit)

The first house on the present site of Dodge City, Kansas, built in 1872

(Source: Reddit)

Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp, 23 and 28, in Kansas, 1876

(Source: Reddit)

Mountain man James P. Beckwourth, 1860

(Source: Reddit)

The bar at the notorious Gem Theatre in Deadwood, South Dakota. The owner was Al Swearengen, 1880s

(Source: Reddit)

Theodore Roosevelt and John Muir on Glacier Point, 1903

(Source: Reddit)

Jackson's Bar in Idaho, 1890s

(Source: Redd)

Thathlo Harjo, born in 1791, fought in two Seminole wars, died in 1904 at age 113

(Source: Reddit)

Two Navajo view the ruins of Casa Blanca in Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, 1913

(Source: Reddit)

A group of men drinking with a horse in a saloon in Castle Dale, Utah, 1900s

(Source: Reddit)

Oglala Lakota Chief Iron Tail with 'Black Diamond', the Buffalo

(Source: Redd)

Butch Cassidy's mugshot from the Wyoming prison in Laramie, 1894

(Source: Reddit)

Broncho Bill and family, 1887

(Source: Reddit)

Wickes, Montana, 1886

(Source: Reddit)

Siringo and Sayers, Pinkerton cowboy detectives, 1900

(Source: Reddit)

Soapy Smith, Bob Ford, and Bat Masterson were all in Creede, Colorado, the last silver boom town in Colorado, during the early 1890s

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: wild west, wild west photos, history, history photos, america, american history, mildly interesting, reddit, the internet, social media, history photo, historical photos, history facts, american history photos,