
25 Interesting Signs That Are Kind Of Hilarious

Two images from /r/funnysigns
Two images from /r/funnysigns

Published November 05, 2024

Published November 05, 2024

The world of signage is a strange one. Signs are necessary for many reasons. Signs are used to advertise businesses and sales for customers. Signs are used to guide people on the road and pathways. Signs are used to caution people of dangers ahead, and sometimes, signs are used to correct people. Although they are important, signs are not the prettiest of things. They block natural scenery and take up space; they just aren't that attractive. So what's the solution? Making signs funny and interesting.

Seeing a funny sign in the wild is always a memorable moment, which is honestly a win-win for everyone. The sign-makers get more attention, and people are entertained. Funny signs are just a small way to make the world a better place. Reddit's /r/funnysigns is a subreddit where people share all of the best signs they find in the wild. Some of these signs are helpful, others are just ridiculous. Here are 25 silly signs that people enjoyed today.

No secret is safe

(Source: Reddit)

Get it?

(Source: Reddit)

The worst bathroom sign

(Source: Reddit)

Watch out!

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds about right

(Source: Reddit)

This one needs to be seen more

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

One way to find out

(Source: Reddit)

Just do it

(Source: Reddit)

Please, guys

(Source: Reddit)

I'll find another route

(Source: Reddit)

Someone's getting in trouble

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A specific caution

(Source: Reddit)

It's creepy otherwise

(Source: Reddit)

How did this happen?

(Source: Reddit)

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

(Source: Reddit)

That's the right way

(Source: Reddit)

Do not read

(Source: Reddit)

If it wasn't obvious

(Source: Reddit)

All of the above?

(Source: Reddit)

Only when they're present?

(Source: Reddit)

Stay safe

(Source: Reddit)

The struggle is real

(Source: Reddit)

Who won this one?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/funnysigns, funny signs, store signs, accidental comedy, signs, puns, dad jokes, santa, google, dogs, animals, mcdonald's, mcdonalds, chick fil a, mildly interesting, /r/mildlyinteresting, hmmm, /r/hmmm, facepalm, /r/facepalm, joke, collections,