Meme Encyclopedia

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25 Interestingly Hilarious Signs Spotted In The Wild

Two images from /r/funnysigns
Two images from /r/funnysigns

Published December 06, 2024

Published December 06, 2024

There are signs to be seen all over the world. Anywhere anyone goes there are signs to read and signs to listen to. Signs serve all kinds of purposes, and most of those purposes are honestly very important. Signs help businesses get the world out about their services and sales. In turn, they help consumers know where to go. Signs guide people on the roads and warn them of potential dangers. Signs also educate people and interest them in many ways. The bad thing about signs, though, is that they take up a lot of space.

It is true that signs block a lot of natural scenery. People would usually rather see nature than a big ugly sign. So, what does someone do about this? They make the sign more tolerable by making it funny. Funny signs are one way for people to enjoy signs again. Adding a little bit of mystery or a small joke to a sign makes people smile and remember the sign more.

Reddit's /r/funnysigns is a subreddit where people share all of the coolest and funniest signs they see in a day. Here are just 25 of them that amused everyone.

They mean it, too

(Source: Reddit)

The "no fun" zone

(Source: Reddit)

Can't argue with that

(Source: Reddit)

Use carefully

(Source: Reddit)

That's one way to put it…

(Source: Reddit)

Insane discount

(Source: Reddit)

Wait, what?

(Source: Reddit)

The threat of a sign

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I am uncomfortable

(Source: Reddit)

You got this

(Source: Reddit)

Watch for squirrels

(Source: Reddit)

The mythical cord

(Source: Reddit)

What's the story behind this?

(Source: Reddit)

The average engineer

(Source: Reddit)

What the…

(Source: Reddit)

What are the other levels?

(Source: Reddit)

They tried

(Source: Reddit)

Sign wars

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

An actual text from the landlord

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: funny signs, /r/funnysigns, mildly interesting, passive aggressive, passive-aggressive, hmmm, /r/hmmm, /r/mildlyinteresting, interesting signs, cool signs, funny sign, signs, sign, road signs, church signs, store signs, funny store signs, funny church signs, puns, jokes, facepalm, dad jokes,

Meme Encyclopedia