
25 LinkedIn Lunatics And Their Insane Takes

Two images from /r/linkedinlunatics
Two images from /r/linkedinlunatics

Published January 28, 2025

Published January 28, 2025

Everyone uses social media for different reasons. Every social media site exists for a different purpose. Social media sites are geared toward individuals' needs and interests. There are sites for people to share life updates and post their best photos, there are sites to share simple or deep thoughts and opinions, and then there is a site for professionals, like LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a site for companies, businesses, and other professionals to share their successes, and talk about business plans, and it is there for folks to look for jobs, of course.

People would assume this site would be filled with professional content. However, something odd has happened on LinkedIn. Instead of serious content, the site is filled with nonsense. From purely unprofessional content to comments about business and life that just make no sense, there is so much that goes on on LinkedIn that is kind of shocking. These people believe in no weekends and definitely no vacations, it's just work work work.

People infiltrate and expose these posts online all the time for all to judge. It's pretty funny to see just what these professionals think is okay to post publicly. Here are 25 LinkedIn lunatics being the worst kinds of people around.

What a guy

(Source: Reddit)

Why is this on LinkedIn?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

We're selling prayers now

(Source: Reddit)

Dunking on her husband

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Highly disappointed

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Terrible take

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

He seems sad

(Source: Reddit)

Never procrastinate

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This is terrifying

(Source: Reddit)

Do it

(Source: Redd)

Called out

(Source: Redd)

Don't do this

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What a development

(Source: Reddit)

Working on a Saturday

(Source: Reddit)

'Fit check

(Source: Reddit)

Pick one

(Source: Reddit)

An honest profile

(Source: Reddit)

How it's done… apparently

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: linkedin, linkedin lunatics, reddit, the internet, social media, jobs, work, ceo, employees, employers, recruiters, online work, work from home, remote jobs, hustle culture, grindset,