25 Mad Lads And Their Chaotic Actions

The world would be a boring place if nobody took risks. Risks can come in all kinds of sizes, small ones, big ones, ones that could change the world, and without them, nothing would get done. So it's thanks to the mad lads of the world for all of the insane and bold actions they have done. A mad lad is someone who is far more courageous than the rest of the population, they act first and think later, and they don't have any thought for consequences.
The results of the things they do vary. Sometimes it's a good outcome, sometimes a bad one, sometimes a truly neutral one. The thing to commend here is the fact that they really did that thing, a thing most people would not have done. So it's time to give credit where credit is due and take a look at all the mad lads of the world. From social media's weirdest, here are 25 insane yet brave individuals and their acts of pure chaos.