25 Majorly Disappointing Realities People Weren't Expecting
Life is full of ups and downs, good days and bad days. We all get disappointed by life sometimes. It's normal to get your hopes up for something, but that thing doesn't always deliver resulting in sad feelings of disappointment and despair. There are many times in life when expectations won't meet reality, it can happen with anything. A lot of the time it happens with advertising. Something new, like a new fast food menu item, always looks good on the screen, but is sad when ordered in person. DIY projects can be disappointing too, there's a promise of a desirable outcome only for it to turn out like trash.
What's important to remember is that everyone has these disappointing moments in life. One place to see many of them is Reddit's /r/ExpectationVsReality. This subreddit allows users to share image comparisons of their expectations versus the reality of the thing they were hopeful for. Here are just 25 of those sad moments.