25 Memes Both Funny And Sad To Laugh Your Way Through The Pain

Many people say that laughter is the best medicine, and with memes like these, that is definitely the truth. With all of the heartache going on in the world, rising prices and cost of living, the media being full of tragedy, and bad things happening to people in general, sometimes it's best to take a step back and have a little laugh at it all. There is no better way to do that than with some memes.
Turning something negative into something laughable can be a great way to bond with others experiencing the same kinds of hardships and it is a great way to lessen the anxiety about them. Reddit's /r/funnyandsad contains memes that serve this purpose, it has memes that are both funny and sad at the same time. It really is a big mix of emotions. Here are 25 funny and sad memes that make a hard thing a little more tolerable, spoonful of sugar method.