25 Memes For Everyone Feeling Anxious Today

Times are tough nowadays, and it seems like many more of us are anxious than usual. The news worldwide is stressing everyone out, and it's hard to cope with the constantly rising cost of groceries and rent. Sometimes, we could all use a break, and a reminder that we're not alone. The truth is, lots of us are feeling the same way, even if we're struggling to talk about it because we'd rather be staring at a TV screen all day than interacting with others. The following memes were made to remind you that it's all part of the anxiety-inducing modern experience, and the internet is here for you.
Below, we've selected some of our favorite memes that aren't exactly healthy to relate to, but hit pretty hard nonetheless. It turns out we're all living pretty much the same lives all the time, and while they're not always easy lives, there's often something we've all experienced that we can collectively entertain one another with. Sometimes, laughter is the best medicine.