25 Memes That Anyone Can Relate To Themselves

While many internet memes are pretty niche in their humor or subject, not all of them are made for extreme fans of a TV show, the chronically online or book nerds. Other memes are made for the collective. Some memes speak to many people. All of the people.
These memes are relatable memes. Relatable memes portray a specific scenario or emotion that though it may seem too specific to be relatable, it is discovered that many people actually understand. They are fun and easy to share with friends and connect the universe on a more intimate level. Some of these memes show that we really are all living the same lives out here.
Reddit has a lot of memes. One place to go to for all of the most relatable memes though is /r/MeIRL. This subreddit is made specifically for the relatable memes. The ones that make someone say "mood" or "same." The name, "Me IRL," stands for "me, in real life," which is just a phrase that can be used to identify these relatable memes.
Here are 25 memes that speak to the collective on a pretty personal level.