
25 Memes That Are Definitely 'Dank' To Some Extent

two dank memes
two dank memes

Published 4 months ago

Published 4 months ago

Whether you're having a bad day at work or not feeling your best, this subreddit will help improve your mood for the rest of the day. Reddit's /r/dankmemes specializes in collecting and sharing some of the funniest memes on the platform, often reaching incredibly ironic stages of comedy simultaneously. Designed to make you laugh, this subreddit is the pinnacle of meme content on Reddit, up there with the likes of /r/memes and others, although it might not necessarily be everyone's cup of tea. It is also known for its fair share of controversy, such as back when there was a whole debate about people stealing memes from /r/dankmemes and reposting them on Instagram. Back in 2019, there was also a whole other debate regarding the color of the upvote arrow, whether it was red or orange. Regardless, the subreddit remains a special place in many people's hearts and continues to provide a consistent supply of memes that make you laugh.

A confused time traveler

What is public transportation???

(Source: Reddit)

And suddenly you're vomiting violently

(Source: Reddit)

Mission accomplished

(Source: Reddit)

Can't believe it's been five years…

(Source: Reddit)

What's that smell…

(Source: Reddit)

The duality of writers

(Source: Reddit)

Inside you there are a lot of wolves

(Source: Reddit)

Facts no cap

(Source: Reddit)

And so it begins…

(Source: Reddit)

Same same but different

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

There was definitely a sensible reason!

(Source: Reddit)

Just facts.

(Source: Reddit)

You can't force anyone to upgrade!

(Source: Reddit)

They never do that in films!

(Source: Reddit)

Hollywood making numbers!

(Source: Reddit)

Dan speaks and the internet listens!

(Source: Reddit)

Wrong type of dream!

(Source: Reddit)

Same jail as Epstein too…

(Source: Reddit)

Brainrot vs dementia, who wins?

(Source: Reddit)

Cow got done dirty

(Source: Reddit)

He will survive this

(Source: Reddit)

Reliable source

(Source: Reddit)

Implied gaslighting

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: dank memes, memes, dank, reddit memes, /r/memes,