25 Memes To Bring Everyone Together

The kinds of memes that bring people together are categorized as relatable memes. Relatable memes are the kinds of memes that portray a certain situation or emotion that are generally fairly specific. They're the kinds of situations that normally someone wouldn't think would be relatable, but surprisingly many people out there have experienced the same thing. It makes someone feel less alone in their lives and shows that maybe everyone is living the same life out there. Relatable memes can be coined and identified with the phrase "Me IRL," which stands for "me, in real life."
It is a way for someone to relate to the memes by saying that that meme is in fact something they relate to. Sometimes the term "big mood" can also be used, just as a way to say "same," basically. On Reddit's /r/meirl, people share some of the most relatable memes out there. There are thousands to see, laugh at, and share all day long. Here are just 25 relatable memes out there for all to enjoy.