25 Memes That Have Been Infected By Their Own Captions

Memes are meant to be shared. People are supposed to share memes with everyone they know so that everyone can laugh at them. Memes should be left alone, though. Adding unnecessary captions and images to memes only makes them terrible. It's bad enough to take a good meme and add a terrible caption to it, but what's even worse is taking an already bad meme and adding a bad caption to it, making it something unbearable to see.
Doing this is an act of comedy homicide, and it's a deplorable thing to do. It's such a bad thing to do that there is a whole subreddit dedicated to acts of comedy homicide. The aptly named subreddit, /r/comedyhomicide, is a subreddit where Reddit users can share all of the memes they find that have had horrible captions or reaction images slapped onto them. Here are just 25 of them no one should have shared nor messed with.