25 Memes That Need A Second Glance

Reddit's /r/holup is a treasure trove of memes and posts that raise your eyebrows and make you think twice about whatever got posted. The stories told here are often entertaining and disturbing, giving you one specific clue that proves to you how absolutely unhinged people can be. It's important to know that you still can't verify most information that's told to you online, even if it's a source that you can trust, but the anonymous aspect of the internet makes it incredibly difficult to put all your trust in just one person, especially when the story you're being told is insane.
This subreddit features a plethora of gasp-inducing stories that will shock and awe, from unwavering bombshells that change your outlook on a specific thing for the rest of your life, to photos that will make you take a double-take just to make sure that whatever you're seeing is exactly what you think it is.