
25 Memes That Really Hit Close To Home

Two images from /r/meirl
Two images from /r/meirl

Published April 11, 2024

Published April 11, 2024

While memes are meant to be all fun and games, to make people laugh and smile, sometimes they get a little too real. Relatable memes are the kinds of memes that describe or show a certain situation or feeling that, for some reason, everyone can kind of relate to. Even the situations that seem super specific somehow become relatable. It just goes to show that everyone truly is living the same life out there. It makes them easy to share and something to bond over with friends.

While relatable memes can be found just about anywhere on the internet, one very easy place to find many is Reddit's aptly titled subreddit /r/MeIRL. This subreddit, based on the phrase "me in real life," is full of the most relatable memes that will make anyone feel a little more connected to the world today. Here are just 25 of them that truly do speak to the soul.

The classic, gifted child syndrome

(Source: Reddit)

Too real for some folks

(Source: Reddit)

Isn't that odd

(Source: Reddit)

It's not a wrong answer though, technically

(Source: Reddit)

So true

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone's going through it

(Source: Reddit)

Now how do you know that

(Source: Reddit)

What else was he supposed to do with them

(Source: Reddit)

We'll get there one day guys

(Source: Reddit)

Ah, boomers at work

(Source: Reddit)

Sit back down

(Source: Reddit)

Seriously though

(Source: Reddit)

It's a sad reality

(Source: Reddit)

Those were the good days

(Source: Reddit)

Wonder what happens

(Source: Reddit)

Line 'em up

(Source: Reddit)

Can I be excluded?

(Source: Reddit)

Am I the problem?

(Source: Reddit)

Quieter music makes vision better

(Source: Reddit)

It's been a while since I've answered the phone

(Source: Reddit)

A small price to pay for music

(Source: Reddit)

Might as well keep going

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Emails are a powerful form of communication

(Source: Reddit)

They're so right

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/meirl, me irl, relatable memes, same, mood, big mood, memes, real, the simpsons, gifted child, school, america, twitter, awkward, society, doordash, ubereats, food, kids, boomers, work, jobs, simpsons, youtube, nostalgia, hmmm, collections,