25 Memes To Show You Just How Bad The Job Market Really Is

Despite the various levels of experience that plenty of people present, many often suffer from an oversaturated job market with very few prospects. Getting into a job in this day and age is almost like winning the lottery, with all the needlessly complicated job applications and unfathomably large experience requirements, you'd think that most recruiters are just not trying to hire anyone with how unappealing their offers are.
Finding a job that both values your time and experience is nearly impossible, and this is made clearer on the subreddit /r/recruitingh*ll, a haven for all job-seekers where they can post and rant about their torment. If you've ever wanted a place where you can safely complain about your employers or recruiters, this is it. Filled to the brim with a variety of memes, and posts about all the woes of looking for a job, this subreddit perfectly describes the woes of capitalism and the struggles of job hunting in this day and age.