
25 Memes Turned Into Crime Scenes By Reddit's 'Comedy Homicide'

Two images from /r/comedyhomicide
Two images from /r/comedyhomicide

Published October 08, 2024

Published October 08, 2024

Not every meme is made equally. There are great memes, good memes, and terrible memes, and the line between all of those things is very fine. Sure, everyone has a different sense of humor, but at some point, people have to admit to the cringeworthy vibe of some memes out there. When a meme has been overused or was never funny in the first place, it ends up in the comedy cemetery. This is a place that no meme should be taken from; they deserve to rest. Comedy homicide, on the other hand, is when a meme is destroyed by a caption.

People want to put their own flair on a meme when they share it, but more often than not, it backfires. Whether the meme was funny or not, adding a slew of emojis or some caps-locked caption makes it so much worse. Here are 25 memes turned into crime scenes from Reddit's /r/comedyhomicide.

As if no one saw it

(Source: Reddit)

Salute to John

(Source: Reddit)

This subreddit is never funny

(Source: Reddit)

What are you all talking about?

(Source: Reddit)

The red circle was necessary

(Source: Reddit)

This one, too

(Source: Reddit)

Mad man

(Source: Reddit)

What is this?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Epic teacher moment

(Source: Reddit)

Only legends

(Source: Reddit)

Like, duh

(Source: Reddit)

Apply cold water

(Source: Reddit)

Galaxy brain

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks for the warning

(Source: Reddit)

Would've never seen it without the circles

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

FBI agent memes

(Source: Reddit)

Get it

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Not the devilled egg

(Source: Reddit)

This is savage

(Source: Reddit)

SO relatable

(Source: Reddit)

Only real ones know

(Source: Reddit)

They're done!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: comedy homicide, /r/comedyhomicide, bad memes, memes, cringe, cringeworthy, cringe memes, dead memes, comedy cemetery, reddit, facebook, facebook memes, twitter, emojis, reddit memes, bad meme, twitter meme, twitter memes, facepalm, collections,