
25 Memes Wronged By Their Creators

Two images from /r/comedyhomicide
Two images from /r/comedyhomicide

Published April 27, 2024

Published April 27, 2024

Sometimes memes end up in the wrong hands. A meme can go from good to bad or bad to worse so quickly, and this can happen when someone reposting it decides to put their own spin on the meme. A bad caption can be the end for a meme. Someone can add one too many laughing emojis or become a 'red circle perpetrator' by adding a red circle around something that is super obvious in the photo. All of these things and more can make a meme super cringeworthy, like unbearably so, sending it straight to the comedy cemetery.

Many cases of these terrible edited and badly made memes can be found on Reddit's /r/comedyhomicide. As the name suggests, this subreddit is for all of the memes that have been destroyed by their captions. Granted, some of them were bad to begin with, but this just makes them worse. Here are 25 terrible memes that got kicked while they were down.

The truth comes out

(Source: Reddit)

This is not that funny

(Source: Reddit)

This is dumb

(Source: Reddit)

"Meme of the day"

(Source: Reddit)

He's a genius

(Source: Reddit)

This kid knows nothing

(Source: Reddit)

A very necessary red circle

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Only legends will get this

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Mark

(Source: Reddit)

Does this make so much sense?

(Source: Reddit)

So tired of seeing that dog

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Pffft, he's so silly

(Source: Reddit)

This guy wins

(Source: Reddit)

What's going on here

(Source: Reddit)

Epic question

(Source: Reddit)

These videos are pure brainrot

(Source: Reddit)

Famous last words

(Source: Reddit)

Sooo funny

(Source: Reddit)

This is crispy

(Source: Reddit)

Classic Florida man

(Source: Reddit)

More red circle perpetrators

(Source: Reddit)

Done for

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/comedyhomicide, comedy homicide, cringe, cringeworthy, memes, reddit, holup, /r/holup, neil armstrong, aliens, fbi, facebook, fb, emojis, mcdonalds, burger king, twitter, harvard, cars, comics, school, red circle, chemistry, tumblr, collections,