25 Mildly Cruel Tricks And Pranks

For a while there, pranks were the highlight of the Internet. Everyone was pranking each other, and everyone was watching others be pranked. There were couples pranks, public pranks, family pranks, and so much more. Some people don't know when to stop, though, and that's when pranks are no longer funny. Silly, harmless, and light-hearted pranks are the peak of pranks, and that's what more people should be doing.
Luckily, there are many people who choose to play fun pranks on people and on the world around them. Some people still do like to prank people just for the fun of it, and that's a good thing. Many of these harmless pranks get recorded and posted to the web for all to see, and those are featured here.
Here are 25 harmless, light-hearted, and otherwise silly pranks and jokes people played people or photos of people being generally silly.