
25 Mildly Infuriating Incidents Ruining People's Days

Two images from /r/mildlyinfuriating
Two images from /r/mildlyinfuriating

Published June 12, 2024

Published June 12, 2024

Not everything in life is going to go right. A lot of the times, actually, things are going to go very wrong. It is just a part of being alive, things go wrong and have the power to ruin entire days. A lot of the time it doesn't even take anything super devastating to ruin a day, sometimes it is the little things that have all the power to turn someone's day from good to bad, or bad to worse.

Maybe these things won't change the course of a person's life, but just for a moment, or day, then will make someone pretty upset, upset enough to share it with users on Reddit's /r/mildlyinfuriating for some companionship and solace. This subreddit, as it would suggest, is made for the mildly infuriating things in life. Everyone has experienced that kind of anger, it is truly unmatched in terms of annoyance. Here are 25 people caught in mildly annoying situations who probably had their days ruined.

Opened upside down

(Source: Reddit)

Blocked in by the neighbors

(Source: Reddit)

That seems unfair

(Source: Reddit)

The cheese won

(Source: Reddit)

Oven exploded

(Source: Reddit)

It's barely a pizza

(Source: Reddit)

This burger

(Source: Reddit)

This window seat

(Source: Reddit)

This iced tea

(Source: Reddit)

How to charge a speaker

(Source: Reddit)

Every mystery box was the same

(Source: Reddit)

OP's dad's blue TV

(Source: Reddit)

Discovered this after eating some

(Source: Reddit)

When this happens

(Source: Reddit)

Neighbor dropped an AC on their car

(Source: Reddit)

Bacon before and after cooking

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Target

(Source: Reddit)

Not quite as expected

(Source: Reddit)

Neighbors are moving

(Source: Reddit)

Bosses response to OP's fractured femur

(Source: Reddit)

So is it a substitute?

(Source: Reddit)

This clock

(Source: Reddit)

Bad garlic

(Source: Reddit)

OPs boyfriend left this much ice cream

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/mildlyinfuriating, infuriating, facepalm, /r/facepalm, fail, cars, one job, bad parking, news, you had one job, pizza crimes, pizza, food, burgers, stupid food, travel, planes, iced tea, toys, kids, mystery toys, technology, collections,