
25 Mildly Interesting Moments To Spice Up Your Day

Two images from /r/mildlyinteresting
Two images from /r/mildlyinteresting

Published March 12, 2024

Published March 12, 2024

Not every day is going to be the most exciting day of all time, but that's okay. Some days go by and nothing really happens at all. Sometimes though all it takes is standing back and taking a look around, or taking a closer look to find something truly interesting. There are interesting and peculiar things all around. Many times the coolest things of all are the smallest things that would usually go overlooked. Maybe it's a small yet impactful piece of technology, or perhaps a strange yet charming coincidence, or maybe it's something in nature that no one has really paid much attention to before.

Either way, admiring the mildly interesting things in life can be very rewarding. Luckily, many others think so too and Reddit's /r/mildlyinteresting is full of life's small yet amazing moments. Shared for all to see and marvel at, here are 25 mildly interesting moments to spice up any day just a little bit.

This Abandoned Shrine in Japan

(Source: Reddit)

99-Year-Old Penny, Still in Rotation

(Source: Reddit)

IKEA Rug That Matches These Shoes

(Source: Reddit)

Card is to Be Inserted Horizontally

(Source: Reddit)

Same Set, Different Number of Pieces

(Source: Reddit)

Found in a Cave

(Source: Reddit)

Battery Can Be Recharged with a Plug

(Source: Reddit)

Duck Bill Muzzle for Dogs

(Source: Reddit)

Pill-Form Salt and Pepper

(Source: Reddit)

This Long Baby Carrot

(Source: Reddit)

Water Bottle Shrunk in the Dishwasher

(Source: Reddit)

"My Professor and I Accidentally Wore Inverted Outfits"

(Source: Reddit)

iPad Got Baked in the Oven

(Source: Reddit)

Cattle Brand Shows on This Leather Couch

(Source: Reddit)

Tiny Starfish on a Thawed Scallop

(Source: Reddit)

Baby Born with a Heart-Shaped Thumb

(Source: Reddit)

Logo Stamp Found in the Egg Carton

(Source: Reddit)

Puppy with a Long Whisker

(Source: Reddit)

A Street for Line Painting Practice

(Source: Reddit)

"Eating Colour" Sticker to Know When It's Ripe

(Source: Reddit)

Music Notes on the Bottom of These Shoes

(Source: Reddit)

Hair Shrinkage Compared to Straightener

(Source: Reddit)

Feather Found in a McDonald's Chicken Nugget

(Source: Reddit)

Baby Holder in the Bathroom

(Source: Reddit)

"My Dad's Pills (Post Heart Surgery) Are Heart Shaped"

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/mildlyinteresting, hmmm, /r/hmmm, interesting, japan, ikea, nike, lego, dogs, apple, ipad, technology, fail, mildly infuriating, husky, fruit, mcdonalds, food, facts, history, one job, facepalm, fun facts, stupid food, fails, collections,