It's a good idea to stop sometimes and take a look at the small things around. Even if a day has been boring, there is always something small out there to put a smile on your face. Sometimes the best thing to do is to pay attention to the small things. Sure, it might not be life-changing or groundbreaking, but the mildly interesting moments in life deserve some consideration as well. These little things could be just about anything. It could be a cool flower found outside, it could be a strange new piece of technology not seen before, it could be an interesting phenomenon the rest of the world just has to see.
Whatever it may be, giving some attention to the more mildly interesting parts of life can be the most rewarding. Reddit's /r/mildlyinteresting is a subreddit that is open for users to share the most interesting moments from their everyday lives. These images will not blow anyone's minds, probably, but they will make someone think "hey, that's cool" and that's all that matters at the end of the day. Here are 25 mildly interesting images worth taking a look at.
The size of these tires
(Source: Reddit)
Building with a built-in ferris wheel
(Source: Reddit)
Just a free item
(Source: Reddit)
All the vinegar is filled differently
(Source: Reddit)
Ferrari police car
(Source: Reddit)
When idling, car displays gallons per hour instead of miles per gallon
(Source: Reddit)
Why is Q there?
(Source: Reddit)
OP was gifted a piece of the Berlin wall
(Source: Reddit)
Old Moviepass card still hasn't expired
(Source: Reddit)
Random strip in this bush
(Source: Reddit)
Batteries in a radio for over 50 years, never leaked
(Source: Reddit)
This pile of fake IDs collected at a music festival
(Source: Reddit)
Guessed the right Clue combination first turn
(Source: Reddit)
Two of the same boxes of mac and cheese, different powder
(Source: Reddit)
Tea ball, new vs 15 years old
(Source: Reddit)
This guy's left eyebrow is turning white
(Source: Reddit)
Grasshopper going for a ride
(Source: Reddit)
Very satisfying
(Source: Reddit)
Each sink is a different height
(Source: Reddit)
This hummingbird nest, balanced on a wind chime
(Source: Reddit)
Recycled Ronald McDonald at a playground in the Netherlands
(Source: Reddit)
No trace of Florida
(Source: Reddit)
Mouse wear and tear after 10 years of use
(Source: Reddit)