
25 Miserable Men Waiting For Their Shopping Spouses

Two images from @MiserableMen
Two images from @MiserableMen

Published February 02, 2024

Published February 02, 2024

Though it may be a stereotype, it is commonly thought that in general, women like to go shopping. On the contrary, it seems to also be true that men generally aren't as fond of shopping, especially when it isn't something they are interested in. Fair enough. Regardless, men tend to get taken along on shopping trips despite the fact they probably don't want to.

Everyone has seen a lone boyfriend sitting on the mall couches outside of a Sephora or Artizia before. It happens a lot, which is why the Instagram account @MiserableMen decided to document all of the times men get caught waiting for their significant others waiting outside of stores. All of these men are so clearly fed up and over the whole thing, and a surprising amount of them have gotten so bored they have passed out wherever they can. To sympathize, mock, or otherwise laugh at these men who are so over it, here are 25 men wishing they were home.

Kicked Off His Shoes and Everything

(Source: Instagram)

His Shirt Says It All

(Source: Instagram)

Waiting in Comfort

(Source: Instagram)

He's Done

(Source: Instagram)

He Came Prepared

(Source: Instagram)

The Husband Bench

(Source: Instagram)

Fast Asleep

(Source: Instagram)

That's Quite the Haul

(Source: Instagram)

Waiting Outside

(Source: Instagram)

He's Chilling

(Source: Instagram)

Man Down

(Source: Instagram)

'Tis the Season

(Source: Instagram)

Lights Out

(Source: Instagram)

He Looks Cozy

(Source: Instagram)

He's Questioning Everything

(Source: Instagram)

'Justice' for These Poor Men

(Source: Instagram)

Patiently Waiting

(Source: Instagram)

Is He Okay?

(Source: Instagram)

Was There Nowhere Better to Sit?

(Source: Instagram)

A Full Set of Stairs

(Source: Instagram)

Night Night

(Source: Instagram)

That Can't Be Comfy

(Source: Instagram)

Vacation Shirt and All

(Source: Instagram)

They're Both Fed Up

(Source: Instagram)

Hung Up His Hat

(Source: Instagram)

Tags: miserable men, instagram, relationships, shopping, funny, memes, holidays, christmas, winter, piano, stores, malls, wives, husbands, miserable, men, shoes, clothes, fashion, haul, sleeping, collections,